Right before school started we got to go to Montana and spend some time with the Bennions. We had so much fun. We went to a waterpark where Grandma B. took the kids down the slide. Notice my action shot! We also got to celebrate Brynlee's 4th birthday. What a fun hula party!
Kids are amazingly creative. I think all my kids need is paper, scissors, crayons, and tape and they could entertain themselves for hours. This is great for me, but a little frustrating when I need to wrap a present and there is never tape around! Still worth it though! Here is what they came up with one day. It was too funny to not take a picture. If you can't tell they all have on paper mustaches.
The girls got to go to a pioneer activity day at church. They had a great time but before they left of course I heard the dreaded words every mom hates to hear "Well, I'm going to need a costume!" Oh man, let's rummage through the dress up box. It's amazing what you can come up with when you really need something fast!