Brianna got chosen to be a part of the presentation at the Mormon Battalion Visitor's Center.

Here are the kids at the Discovery Science Museum

Jason went fishing one morning and caught a small shark!

Here are the kids at the resort we were staying at

Here are the kids at Huntington Beach!

The kids at the San Diego Temple

We had the opportunity to take the kids on a really nice trip to California this year. The first day we drove to San Diego and stayed with Jason's parents. The next morning we attended church and then had to travel the rest of the way to Huntington Beach. This was a trip through Jason's work that he earned. We got to stay at the Hyatt right on the beach. It was really nice. The first three days of our trip we just played, and played, and played, on the beach. We checked out some tide pools, built sand castles, body surfed, read books, and napped. There was also quite a bit of chasing down Connor and we had one trip to the emergency room when Jason dislocated his shoulder, but that didn't slow down the fun too much! My favorite memory was cooking hot dogs and smores over a campfire right on the beach with the kids as the sun was going down. After three days on the beach we decided to check out the children's discovery museum. They had a lot of fun with the hands on exhibits. Then we traveled back to San Diego. We went and saw the San Diego temple. Jason and I were able to do a session there which was so nice. It was so beautiful. We stayed with Grandma and Grandpa McCaleb. They took us to see the historic district of San Diego. There was some really fun shopping and eating and museums there. My favorite part of that area was the Mormon Batallion visitors center. They had a really fun and inspiring presentation about the sacrifices of the early pioneers. The whole family really enjoyed the presentation and then they got to pan for gold afterwards! The next day we went to Sea World. We lasted the entire day until the place closed at 10pm! I couldn't believe it. We saw shows and exhibits and rode some rides. It was really fun. The next day we attended church and drove back home. What good memories!